Drakeling's RPG Lair

Welcome to Drakeling's RPG Lair!
Please, link to me and enjoy your stay!



3\26- Site Started Contruction
Hello, welcome to my website, dedicated to RPGmaker 2k imports (midis, monstersets, etc.) and all of my Projects. Right now, this site is under contruction and will be usable around the 1st of April! Untill then, look for me (drakeling2000) in the "World of RM2k" @ Don's Site I mostly chat in the help and Exchange Forums, but I'll post when my site is completed in the Ads Forum!

Thank you!

3/28/01- Uploading Started
I finnaly got someplace where my files can be stored, it's a geocities site! You may now download the demo and I will try to get some midis and sfx uploaded today! Please try my demo, it's really short and sweet but it gives most the story in! Please check back later to get another demo.

4/11/01- Recent Affairs
Sorry, everyone, if you have been waiting for this site to get started... I'm getting barely no help from users (I don't know if anyone has even gone to this site much...) so I will have to post more pleeds in the RM2K forums...

Please! E-Mail me and send me some of your work! This may include anything that isn't RTP or has mass RTP usage in it! Help is highly appricated for any support! I will try to get another demo up tonight after finishing the mountain and second town...

4/12/01- Incident of Life release!
I am releasing the Alpha version of Incident of Life now! I am sorry for those of you that downloaded the previous demo that was like 2 minuets long! This one has about... 30 minuets of gameplay! Please download this demo today and try it out!

In other news, I have found about 12 midis to start that collection and zipped them all, they sould be uploaded tomarro. Also, I am almost complete with my first tutorial- Making a skill that "Recharges" and that should be expected within the next 3-7 days! I also have a birds charater set that make a great map effect by placing them as events that are "Above Hero". This sould be avalible tomarro.

4/29/01- My Airship
If you are looking for my airship, here's the link- Airship Demo thank you for your time. (The file dosen't contain RPG_RT.exe, to get the game to work, just simply copy RPG_RT.exe from any of your other games and paste it into the folder where you unzipped it)

5/04/01- Sins of Reeve
As you might already know, via World of RM2K, I have temperaly cancled Incident of Life and starting on Sins of Reeve. The project is seriously laking charaters sets and needs them... If you want, you can E-Mail me at Drakeling@excite.com. I will give you credit... Note: The game isn't established enough for me to tell you what it is about... Also, the charater sets must be simular look to the future sets in the RTP (because the game IS set in the future...)

In other news, I will be uploading my midi collection (finnaly) and will update the midis page so that they are accessable

5/07/01- Tripod sucks
Ok, I'm going to move the Airship demo here for now! Thanks for your patiance...

5/09/01- New BackgroundAlright! I finnaly got a background on this site! I need some output, if you DON'T Like the BG, please e-mail me. I have another that I will tryout, I will change the rest of the site for the other one though... Thank you for visiting my site! I really apprciate it!

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